How to Design a Stress Management Plan for a Vata Ayurveda Mind-Body Type
Begin by establishing a daily routine, or dinacharya. Vatas like change but if pursued to an extreme, can result in irregular eating and sleeping habits that can further result in indigestion, constipation and insomnia. Instead, plan to rise at approximately the same time every day, eat meals (or snacks) at the same time daily and, most importantly, consistently get the same amount of sleep every night.
Pace yourself mentally and physically throughout your day. This may seem simplistic but if you know Vatas, they can be whirling dervishes. As if to take advantage of their raw physical energy and mental speed, they may like to push through projects to completion as quickly as possible—only to find themselves depleted at the end.
Graze throughout the day. Many Vatas have a hard time keeping on weight. Naturally thin, Vatas may not be hungry at lunch or dinner time. Instead sip a cup of soup or juice or snack on fruit or nuts to keep your blood sugar level to avoid eating a less healthy option later. Eating half a tuna sandwich will help calm the nervous energy of a Vata, who is more likely to skip breakfast and lunch until at 3:00 p.m., and then notice she feels dizzy or lightheaded.
Stay away from caffeine. Vatas have enough nervous energy to power their cars. Drinking non-caffeinated drinks, such as hot herbal teas sweetened with honey, cardamon pods or hot water with lemon, is a better idea. Protein drinks without a lot of sugar can help. No espresso for the livewire Vata, please.
Counter your forgetfulness by writing things down. Quick to learn and quick to forget, memory is a challenge for Vatas. This highly intelligent group of people will not remember to buy milk at the store unless you write it down on a slip of paper and hand it to them. Text yourself reminders, calendar appointments in your phone and computer to help you remember these things.
Schedule regular light to moderate exercise. Skinny by nature, Vatas do not need to run 10 miles a day but walking 20 to 30 minutes daily and taking the stairs instead of the elevator can derail stress. Leisurely biking in a beautiful setting in nature is tailor-made for Vatas: slow, rhythmic movement that is not hurried or overly strenuous. Yoga and meditation also are beneficial as breathing techniques can be learned to slow the heart rate and blood pressure.
Establish supportive social networks. Vatas are like leaves that scatter with the wind, ruled as they are by movement. If they are balanced, they can be inquisitive, bright and engaging. Stressed or imbalanced (from overwork, sleep deprivation or irregular eating), Vatas can be self-critical and distrustful of others. Establish supportive friendships with people worthy of your loyalty.
Keep a notebook on your nightstand. Notorious night owls, Vatas can be wide awake at 2:00 a.m., thinking about what they are supposed to remember the next day or the next week. Keep a digital or hard copy calendar to record basic daily tasks, projects and appointments. Before going to sleep, record all the things you worry you might not remember in your notebook. Once completed, you are mentally freed up to sleep—a very important event for sleep-deprived Vatas. The next morning, your notebook is within easy reach to add more details and remind you of the day’s schedule.
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