How to Identify Ayurveda Dosha Type

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old science that originated in India and is practiced around the world. Literally translated as “science of life,” Ayurveda is a comprehensive system that provides guidelines for diet and lifestyle to support your health. There are 3 doshas, or mind/body types, in Ayurveda, and we can be predominantly one type of a combination of 2 or 3. Your dosha will help you determine what foods to eat and which to avoid and how to adapt your lifestyle so it does not go against your natural mind/body type.


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      Begin by taking a basic dosha questionnaire at one of the links below. You might also choose to read up on the subject or consult with a certified Ayurvedic specialist.

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      To determine your dosha type, consider if you fit the Vata dosha. Vatas tend to be small, slight and wiry. They seem to be in constant motion and are quick to learn and quick to forget. Vata is identified with the air element and tends to multi-task: one sees Vatas eating, talking on their cell phone and reading a magazine all at once. Prone to constipation, dry skin, irregular appetite, Vatas are best nourished by a diet of fresh and cooked vegetables, soups, juicy fruits, not too many raw fruits and in general, foods that are of the earth element to ground their flighty nature.

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      Consider if you might be a Pitta, who is generally of medium build with obvious muscle and strength. Pittas are often athletic and competitive, driven and action-oriented. Pittas are also known for their fiery nature and can become hot under the collar if they push themselves too far. A diet that is cooling and not too astringent is appropriate. Pittas should avoid aggravating their fiery constitution by limiting spicey foods, fermented foods, and by not basking in the heat of the sun.

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      Consider if you are a Kapha, who tend to be the heavier and rounder of all 3 doshas. Slow-moving, with excellent endurance, Kaphas may not say a lot but when they do speak, it is in measured, thoughtful sentences. If imbalanced, Kaphas may be overweight or have a risk for diabetes or hypertension. Raw fruits, salads, vegetables, whole grains and easy-to-digest foods are best for Kaphas. They tend to dislike exercise or movement, but this can create stagnation and weight gain.

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      Experiment with your newfound knowledge by keeping a food diary. Record what you eat, when you eat, and how you feel later.

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      View the links below to learn much more about how Ayurveda can help you establish eating habits that will support your health.

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