How to Treat a Sprained Ankle With Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a healing science based on the belief that a person's "constitution" consists of three principle energies: "vata," the energy of movement, "pitta" the energy of digestion and metabolism and "kapha," the energy that forms the body's structure. The delicate balance between these keeps a person healthy, so when disrupted, disease or injury results. Treatment returns this balance and removes ama, a toxin produced by the imbalance.

Things You'll Need

  • Ghee
  • Dates
  • Figs
  • Almonds
  • Cow's milk
  • Black pepper
  • Ginger
  • Ayurvedic herbal oil
  • Nirgundi leaves
  • Karanja leaves
  • Thin cotton cloth
  • Garlic
  • Buttermilk
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  1. Food Treatments

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      Begin with ghee (clarified butter) since it helps to transport the nutrients of other foods to tissue. It's considered excellent at rejuvenating and promotes longevity. Accompany it with dates and figs to help build tissue and energy.

    • 2

      Nourish your body with almonds to increase strength and energy. Ayurveda recommends that you blanch and peel them since it believes the skins to be slightly toxic.

    • 3

      Boil cow's milk since Ayurveda believes it vitalizes and recommends it after sustaining an injury. After bringing it to a full boil, add tiny amounts of black pepper and ginger, which helps remove ama. Drink the milk separately from any foods except those that are sweet.

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      Drink plenty of water since it is universally beneficial to everyone. It assists with healing and promotes digestion. Drink it while it's hot so that it also removes ama.

    Pain Treatments

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      Massage the injured ankle using Ayurvedic herbal oil to relieve pain. Apply only a couple drops, then massage it in gently but firmly to help heal damaged tissue.

    • 6

      Make your own application at home out of Nirgundi and Karanja leaves. Wrap them in a thin cotton cloth to form a ball, and then boil them in water until hot. Apply this to the sprained ankle and repeat each time the ball cools down for half an hour. Follow up by grinding the leaves into a paste and binding it to the ankle.

    • 7

      Split garlic and remove the sprouts, which are present inside. Put sprouts in buttermilk and leave overnight. Rinse off with water before grinding into a thin paste. Each morning, wash down ½ tsp. of garlic paste with water (preferably warm) before eating to reduce pain.

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