How to Improve Health With Curry Powder
Use curry powder to ease heartburn. There's no need to break out the antacids when you go out to eat. Take a bottle of curry powder with you to the restaurant and sprinkle it on your food. It will help your digestion by getting rid of the acids that build up in your stomach.
Season your food with curry powder to help relieve your arthritis. Curcumin, which is the predominant spice in curry powder, is considered to be anti-inflammatory. Some arthritis patients say their joint pain is relieved and movement becomes easier when they regularly use curry powder in their diet.
Fight age-related mental impairment with curry powder. People in India have much lower rates of Alzheimer's Disease than residents of other countries. This might be because curry powder is a normal staple of their diet. It may help protect against Alzheimer's by decreasing plaque in the brain.
Regulate your insulin levels with curry powder. Curcumin regulates your insulin levels and helps glucose metabolize, which is important if you suffer from diabetes or are at high risk of getting the disease.
Reduce your cholesterol with curry powder. Eating curry dishes may help lower your cholesterol levels, since some studies show that curcumin could prevent the cholesterol oxidation that causes dangerous plaque buildup. Lower homocysteine levels reduce the risk of stroke and/or heart attack.
Battle cancer with curry powder. There are several promising possibilities related to curry powder's usefulness in preventing and treating some types of cancer. Curcumin may help fight lung, breast, prostate, skin, liver and pancreatic cancers. Studies are ongoing as to how curry powder can be used to further battle deadly forms of cancer.