How to Survive Menopause With Ayurveda
Lessen Vata symptoms, such as vaginal dryness and forgetfulness, by eating sweet, sour and salty foods. Warm these foods whenever possible.
Minimize Pitta symptoms, such as hot flashes and emotional irritability, by avoiding spicy, salty and sour foods. Meals should include bitter, astringent or sweet flavors. Drinks should be flavored with rose water, peppermint and coriander.
Incorporate soy products into your diet. Have a glass of soy milk or some tofu. These products are thought to be a natural phytoestrogense, or a substitute for hormone replacement therapy.
Calm agitated nerves with transcendental meditation at least once per day. Use this time to clear your mind of stress.
Enhance the functioning of your genito-urinary tract by drinking lots of warm fluids throughout the day.
Get a warm oil massage from a professional periodically. Also, you should give yourself a warm oil massage every morning.
Consider going through Panchakarma, which is a cleansing program offered by Ayurvedic therapists. Panchakarma should be used if symptoms are severe and not responding to treatment at home.