How to Boost Immunity With Ayurveda
Recognize that the transition between seasons puts stress on the immune system and makes you more susceptible to illness. Take extra care of yourself during these transitions.
Enhance overall immune system function by engaging in cleansing routines. Eat light meals consisting of grains, vegetables and fruits for a few weeks during the autumn and spring. Drink lots of warm water to flush your system.
Focus on strengthening your immune system during the winter. Eat a solid diet consisting of warm food and drink. Soups, stews and warmed fruit maintain strength and boost immunity.
Cook with spices known to strengthen the functioning of the immune system, including cumin, fennel, coriander, turmeric and ginger.
Give yourself a warm oil massage daily. Follow with a warm shower or bath.
Get enough sleep to allow your organs to rejuvenate. Begin your nighttime routine with the sunset. Rise with the sunrise.
Integrate exercise such as yoga and walking into your daily routine. Regular exercise enhances circulation and consistently moves toxins out of the body.