How to Reduce Fatigue With Ayurveda
Begin rejuvenating your body by detoxifying your system. Use Ayurvedic herbs in conjunction with lots of sweet fruit and water. Clean your tongue daily with a stainless steel tongue-cleaning device.
Establish regular sleeping and eating routines that you follow every day. Balance in your nervous system allows your body to fall more easily into its natural biological rhythms.
Start each day with an Ayurvedic warm oil massage followed by a warm bath or shower. Consider getting a series of professional massages to help release toxins from your body. Follow all massages by drinking warm water to flush the system.
Maintain a regular exercise program by alternating yoga and slow walking. End exercise with the deeply relaxing and restorative savasana, or corpse pose.
Evaluate what causes you stress. Consider ways to eliminate stress from your life. Reduce stress with at least 15 minutes of rest time twice each day. Consider using this time for transcendental meditation.
Keep a journal to note your body's reaction after eating certain foods. Fatigue is often due to allergies. Eliminating allergy-causing foods from your diet increases stamina.