How to Do an Ayurvedic Cleansing
Begin your ayurvedic cleansing by becoming aware of foods you should avoid. Eliminate all junk foods, preservatives or foods grown with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. For 30 days, avoid raw foods, dairy and meat, as these food items can be more difficult to digest. Do not drink caffeine or alcohol, and tea and water at room temperature.
Choose organic whole foods, baking or steaming them and eating your meals at room temperature. Include lots of cleansing fruits and vegetables in your diet, such as celery, cabbage, radish, apples, pears and papaya. Remember to lightly bake or steam even fruits for the 30 days of your ayurvedic cleansing.
Drink plenty of lukewarm water and herbal teas throughout the day to aid in the detoxification and elimination of impurities from your body. Add fresh ginger and lemon juice to your water and tea to help purify and cleanse the body.
Eat three meals each day, as close to the same hour as possible. Eat lighter meals in the morning and the evening, saving the afternoon for your heaviest meal.
Get plenty of rest and meditation to relieve stress and tension and to help your body detox and recharge. During your ayurvedic cleansing, it is best to go to bed early, and get up early; however, you should avoid napping during the day. If you feel like you need a nap, meditate instead.
Exercise daily in the morning hours. Try to include exercise in which you can practice your breathing exercises, such as yoga, tai chi or even walking. Go for a healing massage as often as possible during your 30 day ayurvedic cleanse. Massage, exercise and increasing your intake of oxygen will help your body eliminate toxins.
Return to a regular healthy diet after 30 days, adding raw foods and heavier meals gradually. At the next change of the seasons, repeat your ayurvedic cleansing to keep your body free of toxins and your energy flowing freely.