How to Take an Ayurveda Dosha Quiz
Prepare for a Dosha Quiz
Know what a dosha is. "Vata," "Pitta" and "Kapha" are the 3 doshas that represent the body-mind type of each person.
Understand what to expect. The Ayurveda dosha quiz focuses on your body and mind characteristics as well as your reaction in stressful situations. The quiz questions vary from Web site to Web site; but the goal is the same.
Visit the "Jiva Ayurveda" Web site to take a dosha quiz (see Resources below). The quiz is free.
Take the quiz to figure out what your dosha is. The quizzes could have as few as 8 questions or as many as 30 questions. No matter how many questions there are, they go fast. They usually offer 3 answer options, 1 for each dosha.
Select the answer that applies most to you even though you may identify with more than one.
Understand Your Score
Understand the 3 scores given. The dosha with the highest score is your most dominant dosha and therefore your mind-body type.
Know that it's possible to have a combination dosha. If two of the doshas have the same score then they're equally prominent. You have a combination mind-body type. Very few people have the same score for all 3 doshas.
Use Your Dosha Knowledge
Learn more about your dosha. Learning about the dosha personalities can show you how to balance yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. Other uses for your new dosha knowledge range from learning how to deal with other personalities to dating.
Enjoy serene moments around Kapha individuals. They're usually calm and caring. Sometimes they can be greedy and possessive. Everything about them is usually thick, including their body build, skin and hair.
Expect Pitta individuals to be of average build with light eyes and red hair. They are intellectuals and high achievers but usually fiery.
Learn about the Vata dosha. Vata individuals are either petite or tall and thin. They usually have cold extremities due to poor blood circulation. They're mostly creative people. They're often anxious and fearful.
Learn more about Ayurveda and the 3 doshas at the AyurBalance Web site (see Resources below).