What are the Ayurvedic Body Types?
* Physical characteristics: Vata people are typically thin and light-framed, with long limbs and a delicate bone structure. They may have dry skin, hair, and nails, and they may be prone to gas and constipation.
* Emotional characteristics: Vata people are often creative, energetic, and enthusiastic. They may also be anxious, restless, and forgetful.
* Physical characteristics: Pitta people are typically medium-sized and well-proportioned, with a ruddy complexion and oily skin. They may have a strong appetite and a tendency to gain weight.
* Emotional characteristics: Pitta people are often intelligent, ambitious, and driven. They may also be hot-tempered, impatient, and critical.
* Physical characteristics: Kapha people are typically large-boned and muscular, with a thick, oily complexion. They may have a slow metabolism and a tendency to gain weight.
* Emotional characteristics: Kapha people are often calm, gentle, and loving. They may also be lazy, lethargic, and possessive.
It is important to note that everyone has a unique balance of the three doshas. Most people are not purely one dosha type, but rather a combination of two or more.