Oil Pulling Therapy & Diabetes

The process of oil pulling is a time-honored tradition of natural healing that is included in the ancient Hindu practice of Ayurveda. According to HealingCancerNaturally.com, it can help battle several chronic and terminal diseases such as cancer, AIDS and diabetes.
  1. The Oil Pulling Process

    • The process of oil pulling involves thoroughly rinsing the mouth with natural oils. The typical time frame is up to 20 minutes according to HealingCancerNaturally.com. As the oils are swished back and forth in the mouth, they help draw out toxins from the body.

    Oil Pulling Origins

    • Oil pulling began as a method of dental and oral hygiene, according to OilPulling.org. The mouth was thoroughly rinsed with oils and then spat out. The oils would help draw toxins from the mouth, reducing the chances of tooth decay and gum disease.

    The Effectiveness of Oil Pulling

    • According to OilPulling.org, the practice helps the body heal itself. The oils stimulate the body's own healing properties to create antibodies, anti-inflammatory and pain killers. These are effective in the fight against gum disease as well as other diseases.

    Health Advantages of Oil Pulling

    • Oil pulling does not just remove toxins, but it can replace nutrients in the body. According to HealingCancerNaturally.com, two of the most effective oils in the fight against diabetes are sunflower and sesame oil. In addition to the toxins they remove, they add omega 3 fatty acid, iron, calcium and magnesium, and are rich in vitamins A, B and E. Natural medicine proponents claim these vitamins and minerals are effective in fighting cancer, diabetes and other diseases.

    Limitations of Oil Pulling

    • Oil pulling does make some extraordinary claims in its ability to cure diseases. According to Dr. Andrew Weir, these claims should be viewed with caution. He states that oil pulling is safe and completely harmless. He also claims there is some scientific evidence to support its effectiveness against tooth decay. But he warns against using it as a cure for chronic and terminal diseases. He states on his website, Dr.Weil.com, that there is no scientific research to support these claims.

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