Is Banana Good for Cold Allergy in Ayurveda?
Kapha Allergies
Do your allergies take place mostly in the spring? Do you tend to feel as if your body is too heavy and wet when you have allergies? If so, ayurveda would classify you as having a kapha allergy. Ayurvedic health experts generally caution people with kapha cold allergies to stay away from foods that create excess mucous in the body. These include not only bananas but also dairy products, wheat, and sugar. Kapha allergies benefit from substances that heat and energy the body to burn off excess kapha. An ayurvedic healer might suggest you spice your foods with or drink teas that contain ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, fenugreek, mustard or cardomom.
Vata Allergies
While springtime pollen allergies indicate excess kapha, fall allergies to mold and dust tend to indicate a vata imbalance. Patients with vata allergies may experience gas, bloating and other abdominal discomforts, and insomnia in addition to wheezing and runny nose. To help heal a vata allergy condition, avoid beans and cruciferous vegetables, since these increase vata. Kapha foods usually will not affect a vata allergy, so unless your ayurvedic healer says otherwise, feel free to indulge in bananas.
Pitta Allergies
The pitta dosha has a fiery character, so pitta allergies can mean skin rashes and burning eyes. This type of allergy usually occurs in the summer, and/or after exposure to strong chemicals, ragweed, house dust and certain fabrics. To douse the fire of a pitta allergy, stay away from hot, spicy foods, as well as from salty and fried foods, vinegar, and alcohol. A cooling banana might actually help quench the burning of a pitta allergy.
Ayurveda, beyond diet
Ayurveda is a complete system of health that includes much more than a lis of dietary dos and don'ts for different doshas. If you seek out an ayurvedic healer, you may receive recommendations for specific yoga poses to help you, as well as ideas on different times of day to eat and how to adapt your diet to the changing seasons.