Indian Ayurvedic Treatment for a Hernia
Abdominal Hernia
Many hernias of this type will need surgical intervention to make sure everything stays in place once it has been put back there, but ayurvedic massage may help with the pain and help to strengthen the muscle wall. Ayurvedic massage is based on a map of 107 pressure points, or marmas, throughout the body that are considered to hold toxins that can be released by gentle, circular pressure. For relief before having surgery, lie on your back and relax. Breathe in deeply and release several times to relax your abdominal muscles. Place a hand on the affected area and gently push inward, holding this position for a few seconds. It's possible, if the hernia is slight, that this may help the intestine slip back through the muscle wall. If this occurs, continue to lie still and allow your body to adjust. Avoid straining this area again and follow a gentle strengthening regimen like yoga. Several yoga positions are specifically designed to strengthen the abdominal area. Two to try are the wind releasing posture (pawan muktasana) and the raised feet posture (utthan pada asana). In the first, lie on your back and slowly raise one knee to your chest for a count of ten. Lower your leg and repeat on the other side. Do these three or four times on each side only. For the raised feet posture, lie on your back and slowly raise both feet off the floor a couple of inches. Don't repeat this motion more than five times a day. Be careful doing these exercises and pay close attention to what your body is doing to avoid a relapse.
Hiatal Hernia
If you suffer from hiatal hernia, you will often also experience acid reflux and gas. The wind releasing posture may be beneficial for this type of hernia. Massage is often useful as well. Lie on your back and relax, breathing deeply down into your lower abdomen. Place one hand at the base of your breastbone, directly over the juncture where your stomach and esophagus meet. Gently press and draw your hand in a downward motion toward your navel. Repeat with the other hand. Do this a few times and lie quietly for at least a minute. This can help the stomach slip back into its place.