Ayurvedic Home Treatment for Chronic Sinusitis
Skullcap, Calamus and Cumin
Chinese skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) is often used in Chinese and Indian medicine to treat ailments of the sinuses and lungs. Not to be confused with American skullcap, Chinese skullcap is taken as a tea made from the powdered root of the plant. Steep about five grams of the powder in a cup of boiling water. When it cools, drink it all at once. You can take this three or four times a day.
Calamus is particularly useful as an antihistamine and to soothe the sore throat the comes with any sinus problem. You can chew a one-inch piece of calamus when you feel a cold coming on to keep your symptoms to a minimum. This practice may even help you avoid catching cold, according to herbalist Jim McDonald, who maintains the site herbcraft.com, and teaches classes on the many uses of herbs.Another popular ayurvedic remedy for sinusitis is basically a breathing treatment. Wrap a teaspoon of black cumin seeds in a couple of layers of cheesecloth and tie the corners up to keep the seeds from falling out. Carry this around with you and several times a day hold it to your nose and inhale the aroma. This is effective for opening clogged breathing passages.
Cleansing is very important in ayurvedic medicine. One way to cleanse your sinuses is to use a Neti pot. This tool has a long spout specially designed to administer a saline solution of ¼ teaspoon sodium chloride (table salt), ¼ teaspoon sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and eight ounces warm purified water. Pour a small amount of the solution into one nostril and allow it to drain out via the nostrils and mouth. Repeat with the other nostril, and so on until the solution is used up. Do this daily during allergy or cold season to keep your sinuses conditioned and moist. This practice can help you fight off sinus infections by making it more difficult for the bacteria to thrive.
Nasya oil is one premixed remedy you can purchase (see Resources for one place to buy). This mixture is dropped into the nostrils to relieve sinus irritation that can contribute to sinusitis. The pungent oils and herbs also work as decongestants.
Dietary Habits
Never underestimate the power of a healthy diet. Ayurvedic practitioners advise a diet high in vegetable and fruit content to keep your immune system healthy. Mangoes and carrot juice are especially prescribed because of their high content of vitamins A and C. At the onset of a bad cold or infection, consume only juices and liquids. You can resume light foods on the third day. Since your digestive system uses so much energy, this rest can give your immune system more resources to fight off the infection.