Oil Pulling Techniques
Did you know there may be a way to have whiter teeth, healthier gums and a stronger immune system in just a few days? This procedure is safe, affordable for just about anyone and easy to learn. Oil pulling is one way to detox your body, practiced for years in various countries, including in India as an aspect of Ayurveda, an ancient form of alternative medicine. The best way to know if oil pulling will work for you may be to try it yourself.-
The technique is currently being recommended by F. Karach, M.D., of the Ukraine. First thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything, place a tablespoon of cold-pressed or refined sunflower oil in your mouth--don't swallow it--then "pull" or swish the oil back and forth through your teeth and mouth for 15 to 20 minutes.
As you pull the oil, the theory is that you draw toxins and poisons from your blood through the mucous membranes inside your mouth. Notice that the oil in your mouth will begin to thin out and turn white, partially as a result of the accumulation of toxins.
Spit the oil out after the time is up. Because of the toxicity, spit it out into the toilet rather than a sink. If you must use a sink, clean the sink well because of the harmful bacteria present. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water several times and brush your teeth. Use a good disinfecting mouthwash or hydrogen peroxide to rinse with, followed by a water rinse. Drink two to three glasses of water when finished.
Oil pull up to three times per day, to speed up healing, if necessary; otherwise do it just once in the morning. Always pull oil on an empty stomach, before eating a meal.
Start out with the recommended oils by Dr. Karach--sunflower oil or sesame oil. These oils have proved successful in healing the body for most people. If possible, buy organic, cold-pressed sunflower or sesame oil, found in most natural health food stores.
Use a different oil for oil pulling if you are allergic to sunflower or sesame oil. Some people have found success pulling with organic coconut oil.
Pay attention to how you feel. If you have a disease or a major illness, you may feel worse when you first start oil pulling. This is normal with any detox method. Dr. Karach says to continue oil pulling to rid the body of poisons, adding, "a worsening of your health state is a sign that your disease is disappearing."
Notice how white your teeth have become after just a few days of oil pulling, and how pink your gums are. Loose teeth should tighten as your gums naturally become stronger. Observe how formerly bleeding gums have healed.
Consult with your doctor before starting any detoxification process, including oil pulling.
Ask your doctor about oil pulling first if you're pregnant or breastfeeding.
Do not have young children oil pull since they may not have control of swishing oil without swallowing.
Don't swallow the oil you are pulling. If you accidentally swallow a little bit, which can happen, it will be released in your bowel movements.
Don't oil pull with toasted sesame oil. This oil is processed differently and is not suitable for oil pulling.
Avoid olive oil for oil pulling. Olive oil works for some, but the beta-carotene it naturally contains may stain your teeth yellow if olive oil is used often.