Herbal Treatment for Heartburn
Aloe Vera Gel
Combine two tablespoons of aloe vera gel with a small amount of baking soda. This mixture provides a soothing effect to the stomach.
Instant Effervescence
Combine one cup of water, three drops of lime juice, half a teaspoon of organic sugar and one-quarter teaspoon of baking soda. Add the baking soda last to create the effervescent effect that makes this solution effective and drink immediately.
Chamomile Tea
Mix one teaspoon of slippery elm bark power with one cup of chamomile tea. Drink this at least once a day for 12 weeks to help strengthen the protective lining of the stomach. Chamomile tea on its own helps relax the nervous system, which is integral in stimulating the acid reflux response associated with heartburn.
Mix one cup of papaya juice with one teaspoon of organic sugar and half a teaspoon of cardamom. This mixture helps neutralize hyperacidity and indigestion. Women who are pregnant should not use this method since papayas contain natural estrogen which may contribute to the possibility of miscarriage.
Foods to Avoid
Adjust your diet to avoid foods that are hot or spicy. Avoid eating pickles or food that is fermented such as yogurt, sour cream and bread. Minimize your intake of citrus fruits and sour fruits. Keep your meals and portions small since overeating can contribute to heartburn. Avoid drinking coffee, alcohol or citrus drinks in excess since these can stimulate acid reflux. Overeating before sleeping can also contribute to heartburn because metabolism is slower when the body is not working to burn off the energy from food.
Acid Reflux Disease
Persistent heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux disease. Consult a doctor if you suffer from heartburn more often than once a week and if these herbal remedies or over-the-counter medication have minimal effect in eliminating the pain. Seek immediate medical treatment if heartburn is accompanied by vomiting, dizziness, shortness of breath or chest pain that extends into your neck or shoulder since this is a sign of a heart attack.