Yoga Poses for Heartburn Relief
Ayurvedic Eating
The process of sitting properly and chewing thoroughly will contribute to your digestion and lesson the potential for heartburn, as your stomach will have to work less to get the food ready to pass to the small intestine. Sit with a long spine--do not slouch--and chew your food until it is nearly liquid. Do not drink cold liquids with your meal, and drink any liquid sparingly.
Lie on Your Left Side
When you have finished your meal, lie on your left side and rest. This will allow your food to occupy the chamber of your stomach. Twenty minutes is ideal, but if you are short on time, lean to the left for as long as you can while sitting, it will be helpful. Breathe deeply; long, balanced yogic breathing will allow your body to relax so it can fully engage in digestion.
Yoga after the meal in hopes of aiding digestion is not recommended by Ayurveda. Your body digests food best when it is relaxed. Stress contributes to your body's inability to digest, so relaxation after the meal is essential to avoid heartburn.
The time to do yoga to assist your digestion is before you eat. Sit quietly and breathe deeply. Begin by stretching your arms over your head. Hold each movement until you feel the sweet release of relaxation. Roll your shoulders. Stand in mountain pose and take three deep breaths. Bend forward with your back flat. Do not roll your back and shoulders to get your hands closer to your feet. Stop the bend as soon as you feel limited.
The more relaxed you are before your meal, the less likely you are to experience heartburn.
What and How You Eat
Your body likes to digest some foods alone. When these foods have other types of food with them, the alkaline or acid needed to break down one food can conflict with the other and the contents of your stomach will not easily move into your small intestine. Gasses then develop and carry vile liquid up your esophagus to give you heartburn.
*Fruit should be eaten alone.
*Starch is not compatible with the digestion of protein. Steak and potatoes can cause serious trouble.
*Alcoholic beverages do not aid digestion.
*There should be at least two hours between your last meal of the day and going to sleep.
*Meals at night should be light--the lighter the better.The role of yoga in aiding digestion is one of relaxation. When your daily stress is eased, your meals will be digested readily and heartburn will become a thing of the past.