How to Balance Vata Dosha
Things You'll Need
- Clarified butter and olive oil
- Spices
- Cooked foods
- Salt
- Sweet or sour foods
- Warm water
- Almond or jojoba massage oil
- Moisturizer
- Warm clothing
- Lip balm
- Warm milk and nutmeg
Establish a daily routine and stick to it. Wake up, go to sleep and eat three meals at the same time each day. Do not skip meals. Ideally, you should consume each meal in a peaceful atmosphere that allows you to spend a few minutes resting after the meal. Maintain as much regularity as possible in your work/rest pattern from day to day, and incorporate 30 minutes of relaxation and meditation into this daily routine.
Include fats and spices in your diet. Use clarified butter, which has had the water and milk solids removed, for cooking foods. Garnish breads and vegetables with olive oil. Cook as many foods as possible with spices. Spices recommended by Ayurveda practitioners include coriander, saffron, black pepper, turmeric, dried ginger and cumin.
Limit your intake of dry foods like cold cereal and crackers. Cook fruits, vegetables and other foods are that often consumed in their raw form.
Decrease your consumption of foods that are astringent or bitter. Instead, focus on foods that are salty, sweet or sour. Examples of such foods include dried fruit and salted sunflowers or pumpkin seeds.
Drink ample amounts of warm water throughout the day. Avoid alcohol and cold beverages.
Nourish and moisturize your skin by massaging your body with almond or jojoba oil every morning before you shower. Two to three times a week, massage one of these oils into your scalp, allowing it to remain on for up to an hour before shampooing. Also, apply a moisturizer to your skin after bathing each day.
Protect your skin from the wind and cold by wearing several layers of clothing. Cover your ears and throat by wearing a hat and scarf while outside. To keep your lips from becoming dry and chapped, apply lip balm regularly.