Ayurveda Hormonal Remedy for Acne
Diet and Lifestyle
To change the appearance of the skin, Ayurveda suggests starting from the inside and working your way out. The first step is to examine your diet and eliminate foods known to cause hormonal imbalances, such as excessive amounts of red meat and hydrogenated oils. Examine your lifestyle for imbalances that could also lead to hormonal effects. Excessive thoughts related to sex are said to cause an increase in "Kama," which exacerbates the secretion of hormones and aggravates acne. Stress, trama and other psychological factors lead to an imbalance in the "doshas" as well.
Getting Started
Eliminating junk foods and harmful lifestyle patterns can be challenging, but Ayurveda offers a range of positive replacements. Each acne case is different and each person's dosha is taken into account when Ayurvedic practitioners design individual regimens. Seeing a specialist is the only way to be sure that you have access to the right combination of treatments. If you decide to treat yourself, buy the herbs online or at a local supplier and plan to stick with your chosen regimen for at least 60 days.
Internal Treatment
Take 1 tbsp. of Panchtikt Gugglu Ghrit with milk once a day. Take 1 tablet of Arogyavardhini Vati and 2 tbls. of Khadirarisht combined with 2 tbsp. of water, each twice a day. At bedtime, drink 1 tbsp. of Trifla with lukewarm water. Drink a shot of wheat grass once a day and Aloe Vera juice to help purify the blood.
A vitamin regimen of 100 mg of niacin and 50,000 units of vitamin A, three times daily combined with 400 mg of vitamin E once daily is effective at healing and containing acne. Zinc is also therapeutic in doses of 50 mg, three times a day.
External Treatment
Aloe Vera can also be applied topically and raw garlic rubbed gently on the affected areas several times a day, has shown to clear up acne. Lemon juice, orange peel and grated cucumber can each be made into a separate facial mask to be applied to the affected area for about 20 minutes, then gently washed with cool water and patted dry with a clean towel. Prepare a paste with turmeric powder mixed with honey or water. Coconut oil can also help smooth and moisturize irritated skin and should be applied before bed.
Many Ayurvedic herbs are powerful substances that may not be conducive to certain medical conditions and prescription medications. Consulting with a medical professional as well as an Ayurvedic practitioner will assure that you get the proper treatment.