Benefits of Medicated Ghee
For those who follow the Ayurvedic lifestyle, ghee is at the top of the oil-foods list. Revered in India, ghee is simply clarified butter, and medicated ghee is a type of ghee that combines the clarified butter with herbs. Because of its oily nature, it penetrates and rejuvenates lipid membranes in the body, according to Dosha Balance, a resource site for those following the Ayurvedic lifestyle.
According to the Yoga Journal, medicated ghee may loosen up tight hamstrings and aids in poor digestion, promotes memory, intelligence and quantity and quality of semen. The Dosha Balance says that ghee harbors phenolic antioxidants, which boost the immune system.
Because it's combined with herbs, Dosha Balance says medicated ghee creates a healing energy, and the high fat content helps those suffering from weakness or as a medicine for quick restoration of physical strength and vitality.
Dosha Balance says that nerves are covered in myelin, and if impaired, nerves may be attacked. Severe infections and other health maladies can occur when these nerves aren't protected. Oils work to protect these nerves, and Dosha Balance says ghee works even better than other healthy oils, such as olive and safflower.
Health Uses
To protect the nerves and receive health benefits associated with medicated ghee, take two teaspoons orally daily to meet oil requirements for the Ayurvedic lifestyle. Take medicated ghee with warm milk and not in tea form.
In addition, medicated ghee can also be used topically as a base for massage oil to calm sensitive skin. Mix it with honey for application to wounds, inflammation and blisters. Ghee can also be used in eye washes and nasal rinses.
Cooking with Medicated Ghee
The herbs used in medicated ghee will add flavor to dishes. Fry curries, beans and nuts in medicated ghee (instead of other oils) for added flavor. Because ghee is fat, modify your diet appropriately, and eat less fat from other sources.
Making Medicated Ghee
To make ghee, simply place one to two pounds of butter in a saucepan over low heat. Melt the butter until the curds separate and sink to the bottom. Discard curds and store the remaining oil in a jar. As long as it doesn't get near water, it doesn't need to be refrigerated.
To create medicated ghee, add fennel, dill, cumin, coriander, ajwan seeds or turmeric to the ghee.