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Ashwaganda Side Effects
Animal studies have shown that very large doses of ashwagandha can negatively impact the heart, spleen and adrenal glands. These side effects have not been found in human clinical trials.
Ashwagandha has been used traditionally to enhance fertility; however, it may stimulate contractions of the uterus, leading to miscarriage.
Placebo-Type Side Effects
In most controlled studies, ashwagandha has shown similar side effects to a placebo. These include mild nausea, headache and upset stomach.
Ashwaghanda has a history of use as a sedative, so it may cause drowsiness or fatigue. However, no clinical trials have documented this side effect.
Drug Interactions
There are no known drug interactions associated with ashwagandha, but it could theoretically interact with sedative drugs or stimulants.