How to Calculate Your Biorhythm Index
Calculate how many days you have been alive. Multiply your age by 365.25 and then add that number to the number of days it has been since your last birthday. (The .25 accounts for leap years.) For example if your birthday is Nov. 1, 1978, you are 32, and the current date is Nov. 22, 2010, multiply 32 by 365.25 to get the number 11688. Add 11688 to 21 (the number of days since your last birthday) to get 11,709.
Divide the number of days you have been alive by 28. You will be left with a remainder when you perform the long division. The remainder of your division will tell you how many days into your emotional cycle you are.
Divide the number of days you have been alive by 33. You will be left with a remainder when you perform the long division. The remainder of your division will tell you how many days into your intellectual cycle you are.
Divide the number of days you have been alive by 23. You will be left with a remainder when you perform the long division. The remainder of your division will tell you how many days into your physical cycle you are.
Biorhythms are charted on a graph using a sine curve (an S-shaped curve). According to these charts, for your physical cycle, days two through 11 are positive, and days 13 through 23 are low days. On days one and 12, the curve crosses the baseline of the graph, meaning that is a critical day. You should be extra careful on critical days as you may be clumsy or extra prone to accidents.
For your emotional cycle, days two to 14 are positive days. Days 16 to 28 are low days. Your critical days are one and 15. Take care on critical days to avoid quarrels or confrontations. Positive days are good days for creativity, friendly interaction and sales. Low days you will be prone to insecurity and loneliness.
In your Intellectual cycle, days two to 16 are positive and you will find yourself alert and logical. Days 18 to 33 you may be more absentminded and disorganized because this is your low period. On your critical days, one and 17, you may be prone to poor decisions and being slow in mental functioning.