How to Calculate Biorythms
Things You'll Need
- Calculator
Multiply the number of years you have been alive by 365. For example, if you are 24 years old, you have been alive for 8,760 days.
Add one to that number for every leap year through which you have lived. If you are 24 years old in 2010, you have been alive since 1985. Add an extra day for each of the following leap years: 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008. Change your base number to 8,766.
Add the number of days since your last birthday. Add 30 days to the number, for example, if you have been 24 for one month. Change your total to 8,796.
Divide your number by 23 for the physical cycle, 28 for the emotional cycle and 33 for the intellectual cycle. These numbers represent the number of days in each cycle. Use all numbers before the decimal place and three numbers after the decimal place. In the example, the physical number is 382.434; the emotional number is 314.142 and the intellectual number is 266.545. The person in this example has been through 382 physical cycles, 314 emotional cycles and 266 intellectual cycles.
Calculate your current place in your biorhythm cycles by multiplying the numbers after the decimal point by the number of days in each cycle. Take the numbers in the previous step: for the physical cycle, .434 x 23 = 9.9; the person in this example would be 9.9 days into the current physical cycle. Multiply .142 x 28 and .545 x .33 and this person would be 3.9 days into the emotional cycle and 17.9 days into the intellectual cycle.