How to Create a Biorhythm Chart
Things You'll Need
- Four markers of different colors
- Large piece of paper
- Initial biorhythm calculations for the month
Draw out the chart one month at a time. Using a dark marker, draw a vertical line down the paper for each day of the month, and label the bottom of each line with the date.
Consulting an online calculator, look up that month for your biorhythm, and then use the three remaining markers to make dots on your chart indicating where your physical, emotional and intellectual forces will be on their highest day.
Using your “physical” marker, make a dot 23 days later again at the high point. This is the period of your physical biorhythm. Make a low-point dot with the same marker 11.5 days after your high point. Now draw a smooth curve with the marker connecting the points.
Repeat this procedure with the emotional and intellectual markers. The period for the emotional line is 28 days (the low point will be 14 days after the high point), the period for the intellectual line is 33 days (the low point will be 16.5 days after the high point).
Next month, draw a continuation of this pattern with the same markers.