How to Stay Positive In A Job You Hate
How To Stay Positive In A Job You Hate
The night before, mediate on positive things about your work place and the tasks you do. Imagine a control panel with levers that can be pushed up and down. Each lever represents an area of your job that you find unsatisfying or troubling. Mentally push each lever into its highest position. These can be focused on aspects of work like customer service, dealing with co-workers, or your pay. Go to sleep expecting the best from each area the next day. Going to bed with a gut filled with dread will not do you any good.
Once you're on the job, concentrate on your good work skills. You are most likely a valued employee and probably don't give yourself enough credit for the tasks you do. Take pride in your tasks no matter how minimal or repetitive they seem.
Be extra nice to your co-workers. Forcing a positive attitude from yourself can actually help swing the ball in your direction and you might even pick up on some of your own enthusiasm, no matter how much it may seem faked at first. Happiness begets happiness.
Don't take your bad attitude out on customers. It's not their fault you are unhappy in your job. Customer Service should never reflect your internal moanings. And again, the forced pleasantry might rub off on you and actually change your mood.
Never stop looking for something else. If your tasks are mindless, busy your mind writing resumes and cover letters in your head. Brainstorm on places to apply and interview at. If your mind needs to concentrate on the tasks at hand, do this same brainstorming at night once you are home.
Have an attitude of gratitude because many people are without a job at all. Be grateful you at least have a job and be vigilant about searching for something new. Get a second job that is fulfilling if you have the time. Part-time work in a job that is satisfying can carry you through the other job, should you need to hold on to it financially. Keep your head up and your ears and eyes open and your job situation will get better eventually.