How to Learn Biofeedback Training
Biofeedback therapy is one alternative medicine discipline available to help patients deal with ongoing medical conditions without the invasiveness of surgical or medicinal remedies. Biofeedback therapy feeds real time signals about bodily functions back to patients, so they can be taught to alter bodily activities to minimize or eliminate symptoms. Biofeedback has effectively treated a range of ailments ranging from attention disorders to chronic pain and muscle disorders. Ideally, after an initial intense course of treatment, your therapist will help you develop a transition plan so that you wean yourself from office visits and move toward a home regime.Things You'll Need
- Portable biofeedback machines (based on the recommendation of your therapist)
- Computer with Internet access
Learn Biofeedback Training
Log onto the BCIA Web site to find practitioners (see Resources below). Your therapist should have experience in training patients to become independent of the therapist's regular office visits. Ask questions to make sure your therapist is focused on that goal as well and not determined to keep you dependent on their care.
Ask your therapist about the time frame for being able to stop the office visits. Depending on the manufacturer, you may need a few weeks to line up the portable equipment needed to carry on your therapy at home.