Negative Effects of Holding Your Breath

Holding your breath is unhealthy, but there are various, seemingly helpful activities in which you may may end up holding your breath. People tend to swim during the summer, and swimming is great cardiovascular exercise. Yet, being under water requires you to hold your breath. Also, some people are gun hobbyists. There are shooting techniques and trainings that require you to hold your breath for momentary aim stabilization. Even some yoga techniques require you to hold your breath. Holding your breath can adversely effect your body.
  1. Deprivation

    • Holding your breath deprives your body its natural exchange of necessary elements. It does not allow for oxygen to enter nor carbon dioxide to exit your body. Nitric oxide is also prevented from entering the body when holding your breath. Nitric oxide has an important role in the immune system such as fighting different disease-causing infections. Also, it is a message transmitter among your nerve cells, allowing you to react properly to any stimuli. Holding your breath disturbs your natural biochemistry. Instead of being more alkaline, the body becomes more acidic and more prone to disease.

    Temperamental Behavior in Children

    • A study in the "Indian Journal of Psychiatry" shows that children who hold their breath have behavioral complications. Their tolerance levels or become low, thus they act out or release emotion the best they see fit. Holding your breath can induce excessive crying. Emotional reactions pertain to the way you breathe. Children are easily influenced and easily frustrated. The same case study in the "Indian Journal of Psychiatry" showed that 56 percent of children who have breath-holding spells react with temper tantrums, some to the extent of banging their heads. People who hold their breath tend to be angry, irritable and annoyed. It may be hard to calm or distract them when they are in a bad mood. If there are no breathing improvements, these traits could transition into adolescence and adulthood.

    Inadequate Body Function

    • Your body functions from breathing. You will die if you do not breathe. By depriving your body of the air and element transference needed, your cells do not get adequate amounts of oxygen. Billions of your brain cells perform minimally from the lack of oxygen. As long as your breathing is staggered or held in increments, your brain is basically running on survival mode --- only the minimal being afforded. Your body also does not oxygenate your many muscles and organs appropriately if you hold your breath. It is important for you to breathe during aerobic exercises. Oxygenation is the purpose behind aerobic workouts --- burning calories and fat by getting enough oxygen into your body and bloodstream. If you hold your breath while running, you would eventually become light-headed or pass out. Running requires energy, which you would quickly lose if not replenished by more oxygen.

    Toxicity in Breath-Holding

    • Breathing expels several toxins from your body. Holding your breath keeps these toxins inside, allowing more time for them to distribute themselves around your body and manifest. The lack of oxygen is proven to be a main problem among people with cancer or other serious illnesses. Toxins take away from the energy you could have. They keep you looking aged or ill. When you hold your breath, you hold onto illness, when you could simply release it. Better breathing improves your skin's appearance. Maximize your breathing efforts by releasing unwanted toxins to improve your health.

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