Optimal Breathing Techniques
Abdominal Breathing
The abdominal breathing technique helps you practice proper breathing. Whenever you find yourself taking shallow breaths throughout the day, take a moment to practice this basic technique. Place one hand on your chest, the other on your abdomen. Take a slow, deep breath through your nose, inhaling for a maximum count of 7. The hand on your abdomen should rise more than the hand on your chest as you inhale, indicating that you are filling the base of your lungs with air rather than raising your chest and shoulders. Slowly exhale through your mouth to a count of 8, completely emptying all the air from your lungs. Repeat the cycle 4 times, then continue breathing at a relaxed pace.
Relaxing Sigh
This relaxing sigh technique emphasizes exhalation to promote relaxation. It can be used whenever you feel that you are sighing or yawning excessively, or if you just feel like taking a minute to relax. Begin by sitting or standing up straight. Sigh deeply, focusing on the feeling of relief as all the air in your lungs is released. Breathe in slowly and naturally. Repeat as often as desired.
Imaginative Breathing
Imaginative breathing relaxes and re-centers you after a long or difficult day. Lie down on a rug or blanket on the floor and let your body relax into a natural, comfortable pose. Place your hands on your solar plexus, located at the bottom of your ribs above your stomach. Practice abdominal breathing for a few minutes to attain a state of relaxed calm. Then imagine as you inhale that energy enters your lungs and gathers in your solar plexus. As you exhale, picture the stored energy streaming into all parts of your body and revitalizing them. Practice for several minutes at a time, as often desired.
Meditation is another exercise emphasizing optimal breathing. To practice meditation breathing techniques, first arrange yourself in a comfortable position. Let go of all the thoughts on your mind and shift all your attention to your breathing. Simply observe your breathing at first, noting how it feels as you inhale, how the breath passes through your nose or lips as you exhale. Your breathing will slow without any further effort. As it does, begin inhaling to a count of five, holding your breath for a count of 5, and exhaling for a count of 5. As you become comfortable with this, increase your count to 8. Gently send away any intruding thoughts and simply focus on your breathing. Continue your meditation as long as you feel comfortable doing so.