Deep Breathing & Relaxation Techniques
The Stimulating Breath
Also known as the Bellows Breath, the Stimulating Breath involves an adapted yoga breathing exercise to increase energy and vitality. Try practicing the Stimulating Breath when you wake up in the morning. Inhale and exhale through your nose rapidly keeping your mouth closed. Keep your breaths as short as possible but equal in length. Breathe in and out three times followed by a deep breath through the nose. Do not use the Stimulating Breath for more than 15 seconds the first time. As you get acquainted with it, slowly increase your time.
The Relaxing Breath
Sit with your back straight and place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your teeth. Exhale completely pursing your lips so the air is pushed around your tongue. Close your mouth and breathe in through your nose counting to four. Hold the breath for a count of seven and release slowly through the mouth for a count of eight. Keep the tongue in place and purse your lips. Repeat four times. This exercise increases in power over time so repeat twice a day. After a month, you can increase the breathing to eight times.
Breathing for Anxiety
When you're feeling anxious, use this technique. It is also useful before beginning an exercise session. Stand with your feet slightly apart. Let your arms rest at your sides. Inhale and raise your arms slowly above your head with your palms up. Slowly release the breath and clasp your fingers, turning your palms toward the ceiling. Inhale again and stretch your body, pulling up toward the ceiling, reaching your palms. Tilt your head back. As you exhale, drop your head down and let your arms slowly return to your sides. Repeat three times.