Chest Breathing Exercises
Chest Breathing
For a standard chest breathing exercise, start in a standing, sitting or lying flat on the back position. A breathing exercise used before many yoga routines, this training helps relax the body and teaches the basics of chest breathing. Position yourself so your spine and neck are aligned and your back is straight with your chin at an angle that allows you to breath comfortably. Place your fingers directly beneath your collar bones with elbows and arms relaxed and draw in a natural breath through the nose. Pay attention to the movement of the chest and note how far the chest expands during the breath. Exhale and repeat the breath, attempting to draw even more air into the lungs, expanding the chest farther. Repeat this step for 3 minutes a day to train yourself to draw deeper chest breaths and expand more fully while breathing.
Bellows Breathing
Bellows breathing is a rapid chest breathing exercise that stimulates the body and can be used to give the body a small boost of energy. Start this exercise in a bed or chair in a seated position with your spine and neck as straight as possible. Keep your mouth closed and draw rapid, short breaths in and out of the nose and into the chest cavity. Your inhale and exhale times should be even while shooting for a goal of two or three breaths per second. The American Medical Student Association recommends doing this exercise for only 15 seconds to start and slowly adding time in 5 second increments to avoid hyperventilation. Never perform the bellows breathing exercise for longer than one full minute.
Chest-Building Breathing
Another yoga-based exercise, this exercise builds the muscles of the chest while training you to breathe more fully through the chest. Start the exercise with your back flat against the floor or a wall with your spine straight and your arms relaxed at your sides. Press your elbows firmly against the wall or floor so that the muscles in your chest contract and perform six slow standard chest breaths. Release on the last exhale, allowing the muscles in the chest to fully relax. Repeat the first step while pushing a little more firmly with the elbows and hold this position for six more chest breaths. Relax again and repeat once more, pushing more firmly. Practice this exercise daily for maximum benefit.
Roll Breathing
Roll breathing is an extension of chest breathing used to train you to breath more deeply and to use deep breathing as a relaxation technique. Begin the exercise in the same manner as chest breathing, lying flat on your back but with your hands on your chest and stomach. Breathe deeply so that your stomach rises and then, without exhaling, add the additional step of chest breathing so that your chest rises afterward. Slowly release and repeat so that your torso moves in a rolling pattern. This exercise help you focus on both chest and deep belly breathing and should be repeated daily to master healthy breathing techniques.