How to Breathe Right to Feel Better & Lose Weight Quicker

Supply your body with the oxygen it needs to burn calories and stored fat to lose weight. Breathing is essential to human life and the body's process of converting calories into energy. Unconverted calories are stored as fat and may increase an individual's overall weight and body mass. Proper breathing before, during and after exercise raises the body's oxygen levels to burn more calories and generate more energy. Breathing correctly will help you to fuel your body with sufficient oxygen to make burn more calories to feel better and lose weight more quickly.


    • 1

      Adjust your seated posture, so you have a straight spine, hands on your knees, shoulders slightly back and your eyes straight ahead.

    • 2

      Tense your diaphragm firmly to expel as much carbon dioxide as possible from your lungs and wait for a two-second count.

    • 3

      Relax your diaphragm and inhale deeply through your mouth to fill your lungs to 75 percent capacity.

    • 4

      Hold the oxygen in your lungs for a full two-second count before exhaling through your nose.

    • 5

      Intake a second breath through the mouth, this time filling the lungs to full capacity and again holding for two seconds.

    • 6

      Exhale this second breath through the nose and wait another two count before continuing on with full capacity breathing exchanges 10 to 15 more times.

    • 7

      Stay focused on the two-second counts to keep your mind from wandering and going off task.

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