How to Find a Bad Breath Natural Remedy
Bad breath can be caused by a number of different factors so to find a bad breath natural remedy you need to ask yourself whether bad breath is a persistent problem or an occasional one. If it's persistent and you always feels as though you have bad breath, it could be either that you don't quite manage to remove all the food debris from your mouth during cleaning, or you have some tooth decay which needs correcting by a dentist. The best remedies are the permanent ones, so look to dental hygiene first and only discount it when you are certain yours is as good as it can be.
When you know you are cleaning your teeth effectively and there is no decay in your mouth which could lead to bad breath, it's time to look for a different cause in order find a bad breath natural remedy. The next obvious culprit is diet. Do you like to eat strong smelling foods like garlic and onions? The best natural remedies for bad breath caused by such foods may be to moderate or eliminate them from your diet.
If you're not willing to give up such foods, and if you like them why should you, there are bad breath natural remedies which will counteract the smells of garlic and onions. One such is to chew parsley after eating garlic.
If you've been following a low carbohydrate diet you may find you need a bad breath natural remedy. Eating bananas can help eliminate bad breath which is caused when the body burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrate.