What is the benefit of coughing?
Coughing can be beneficial for several reasons:
* It helps to clear the lungs of mucus. Mucus is a thick, sticky fluid that is produced by the cells in your lungs. It helps to trap dust, dirt, and other irritants, and prevent them from reaching your lungs. However, too much mucus can build up in your lungs and make it difficult to breathe. Coughing can help to expel this excess mucus and make it easier to breathe.
* It can help to prevent respiratory infections. When you cough, you are expelling mucus and other irritants from your lungs. This can help to prevent these irritants from reaching your lower respiratory tract and causing an infection.
* It can help to improve your sleep. If you have a cough that is keeping you awake at night, coughing can help to clear your airways and make it easier to breathe. This can lead to a better night's sleep.
* It can help to relieve stress. When you cough, your body releases endorphins, which are hormones that have a number of positive effects on your body. Endorphins can help to relieve stress, improve your mood, and reduce pain.