What to do for unconscious people who are breathing with a clear airway?
1. Check the Scene: Ensure the scene is safe for you and the unconscious individual. Make sure there are no immediate dangers or hazards that could put either of you at risk.
2. Assess Responsiveness: Gently shake the person and call out loudly to check if they are responsive. If there's no response, the person is considered unconscious.
3. Call for Help: Immediately call for medical assistance by dialing the emergency number (911 in most countries) or asking someone else to do it while you provide aid.
4. Open the Airway: Gently lift the person's chin and slightly tilt their head back to open the airway. This helps ensure that the airway is unobstructed, allowing air to flow freely into the lungs.
5. Check for Breathing: Look, listen, and feel for normal breathing. Observe for chest movement, listen for sounds of breathing near the mouth and nose, and feel the person's breath on your cheek. If the person is not breathing or only gasping, start rescue breaths.
6. Start Rescue Breaths: If the person is not breathing normally, provide rescue breaths. Pinch the person's nose shut, seal your mouth over their mouth, and give slow, gentle breaths, each lasting about one second. Allow air to exit between breaths. Continue rescue breaths until the person starts breathing on their own or medical assistance arrives.
7. Continue Monitoring: Stay with the person and continue to monitor their breathing and pulse until medical help arrives. Provide additional rescue breaths if breathing stops again or becomes labored.
8. Follow Medical Instructions: Once medical professionals arrive, follow their instructions and guidance. They will conduct a full assessment, provide appropriate treatment, and ensure the person receives the necessary medical care.
Remember that the most crucial action in this situation is to ensure that the unconscious person's airway is clear, and if necessary, to provide rescue breaths until professional help arrives. Quick action and proper management of an unconscious person who is breathing can make a significant difference in their recovery.