How do you get emotes in dofus?

To get emotes in Dofus, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the Dofus client and log in to your account.

2. Click on the "Shop" icon in the top right corner of the screen.

3. In the shop, click on the "Emotes" tab.

4. Browse through the available emotes and select the ones you want to purchase.

5. Click on the "Buy" button next to the emote you want to purchase.

6. Confirm your purchase by clicking on the "Yes" button.

Once you have purchased an emote, you can use it by typing its command in the chat box. For example, to use the "dance" emote, you would type "/dance" in the chat box.

You can also add emotes to your quickbar by dragging and dropping them from the emote window onto the quickbar. This will allow you to quickly access your favorite emotes without having to type their commands.

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