Can boiling water kill head lice on brush and comb?
1. Prepare the Boiling Water:
- Bring a pot of water to a boil.
2. Immerse the Brush and Comb:
- Once the water is boiling, carefully immerse the brush and comb into the water. Make sure the bristles and teeth of the brush and comb are fully submerged.
3. Boil for 5 Minutes:
- Keep the brush and comb in the boiling water for at least 5 minutes. This duration ensures that any lice, nymphs, or eggs are killed.
4. Remove and Rinse:
- After 5 minutes, carefully remove the brush and comb from the boiling water using tongs or a heat-resistant utensil. Rinse them thoroughly with hot water to remove any remaining debris.
5. Dry Thoroughly:
- Allow the brush and comb to dry completely before using them again. Make sure they are completely dry to avoid creating a moist environment that could be favorable for lice survival.
6. Additional Treatment:
- As an added precaution, you can also clean the brush and comb with a lice comb or fine-toothed comb to remove any remaining nits or debris.
It's important to note that boiling water is not effective against lice on the head. Only use this method to treat items such as brushes and combs. For treating lice on the head, it is recommended to use over-the-counter or prescription lice treatments as advised by a healthcare professional.