Why people use inhalance?
Curiosity: Some individuals, especially young people, may experiment with inhalants out of curiosity or to explore different substances. They might be intrigued by the effects inhalants are rumored to have and want to experience them firsthand.
Peer Pressure: Inhalant use can be influenced by peer pressure. Individuals who are surrounded by friends or peers who use inhalants may feel pressured to try them to fit in or be accepted within their social group.
Escapism: Inhalants can provide a temporary escape from reality. They can produce feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and detachment, which some individuals may use as a means to cope with stress, difficult emotions, or personal problems.
Enhancement of Experiences: Some individuals use inhalants to enhance certain experiences, such as parties or concerts. Inhalants can produce a heightened sense of excitement and energy, making these experiences more enjoyable for some users.
Self-Medication: In rare cases, individuals may use inhalants as a form of self-medication to manage underlying mental health conditions or physical pain. They might believe that inhalants can help alleviate symptoms or provide relief from their distress.
Addiction: Inhalant abuse can lead to addiction, where individuals become physically or psychologically dependent on the substances. They may continue using inhalants despite negative consequences in their personal, professional, or health-related domains.
It's important to note that inhalant use can have serious health consequences, including brain damage, respiratory issues, heart problems, and addiction. It's essential to seek professional help if you or someone you know is using inhalants or struggling with substance abuse.