How do I work this out Rhys when walking takes an average of 16 breathes per minute and exchanges 1.5 litres air at each breath. The inspired contained 20 oxygen the expired 1?

Step 1: Calculate the total volume of air exchanged per minute.

16 breaths/min * 1.5 L/breath = 24 L/min

Step 2: Calculate the total amount of oxygen inspired per minute.

24 L/min * 0.20 = 4.8 L O2/min

Step 3: Calculate the total amount of oxygen expired per minute.

24 L/min * 0.16 = 3.84 L O2/min

Step 4: Calculate the respiratory quotient.

Respiratory quotient = Volume of CO2 expired / Volume of O2 consumed

Respiratory quotient = 3.84 L CO2/min / 4.8 L O2/min

Respiratory quotient = 0.8

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