What do they at the hospital if swallowed a battery?
1. Don't panic and don't induce vomiting.
Vomit may react with the contents of the battery and cause additional damage to the esophagus and stomach.
2. Drink a glass of milk or water.
This may help to neutralize the effects of the battery acid.
3. Seek medical attention immediately.
Even if you think your child has only swallowed a small battery, it's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
At the Hospital:
1. The hospital will take an x-ray to confirm that the battery has been swallowed.
2. If the battery is still in the esophagus, they may use an endoscope to remove it.
3. If the battery has passed into the stomach, they may give your child a laxative to help them pass it through their stool.
4. Your child will be monitored for any complications, such as stomach or intestinal perforation.
In most cases, swallowed batteries will pass through the digestive system without causing any problems. However, it's important to seek medical attention immediately if you think your child has swallowed a battery, as there is a risk of serious complications.