What are the 5 best sites to take a pulse in order of easiest palpate?
The radial artery is the easiest artery to palpate because it is located superficially on the wrist. To find the radial artery, place two fingers on the wrist, just below the thumb. You should feel a pulse jumping beneath your fingers.
Carotid artery
The carotid artery is located on either side of the neck. To find the carotid artery, place two fingers on the side of your neck, just below the jawbone. You should feel a pulse jumping beneath your fingers.
Femoral artery
The femoral artery is located in the groin. To find the femoral artery, place two fingers in the groin area, just below the crease where the leg meets the body. You should feel a pulse jumping beneath your fingers.
Popliteal artery
The popliteal artery is located behind the knee. To find the popliteal artery, place two fingers behind the knee, in the center of the popliteal fossa. You should feel a pulse jumping beneath your fingers.
Dorsalis pedis artery
The dorsalis pedis artery is located on the top of the foot. To find the dorsalis pedis artery, place two fingers on the top of the foot, just below the ankle. You should feel a pulse jumping beneath your fingers.