Interview Relaxation Techniques
Do your homework. Research the organization (and the interviewer if possible); have answers to "typical" interview questions; take a list of your own questions to ask about the company or position; bring a copy of your resume. If you can, do a practice interview beforehand to help you feel comfortable talking about yourself and your qualifications. Arrive with plenty of time to spare. And remember that the interview is just as much for you to learn about them as it is for them to learn about you.
Get Rest
Make sure you get a good night's sleep the night before. Do things to relax such as take a warm bath; work out; get a massage; meditate; listen to relaxing music you like. On the morning of the interview, eat a healthy breakfast, take a walk, and have a calm, relaxed morning routine. Dress for the part so you look and feel your best. Use positive affirmations to help you get in the right frame of mind.
If you can see it, you can believe it; if you can believe it, you can do it. Take time to see in your mind's eye the interview itself and the desired outcome. See yourself as calm and relaxed, confidently answering the interview questions and having a great rapport with the interviewer. Picture the company offering you the job, which is exactly what you want and deserve. Feel your happiness and excitement grow at the prospect of this new opportunity.
Before and during the interview, remember to breathe. Take a few slow, deep breaths beforehand. Do some shoulder rolls, and bring your attention to your entire body from head to toe, telling each part to relax. In particular, notice your abdomen and make sure that you are breathing full, deep, and even breaths from the belly, like we did when we were babies (more relaxed breathing), as opposed to from the chest (more stressful breathing). Practicing yoga can also help prepare you by helping you learn healthy breathing habits. Remember that when you are asked a question, you can take a moment, breathe, and answer when you are ready.
When we are stressed, we often forget to smile. Smiling can help you to feel less stressed and more relaxed. Smiling relaxes your whole being and puts the interviewer more at ease as well, so that you make a positive impression. When you're happy and show it, you're more likely to be successful at whatever you do.