Kundalini Dangers
While the practice of kundalini yoga is generally safe and healthy, it is possible to develop kundalini rising, or kundalini awakening, a temporary but overwhelming sensation of energy that can be uncomfortable or frightening. Some practitioners may experience kundalini syndrome: symptoms of kundalini rising that last for an extended period of time.
Initial Symptoms
The yoga website AnmolMehta.com describes the initial sensation of kundalini rising as bursts of energy along the spine and in the brain. Symptoms can also include muscles spasms, sudden feelings of hot or cold, and a burning sensation throughout the body, especially in the brain.
Severe Symptoms
More-severe symptoms of kundalini rising are complete paralysis, waves of overwhelming vibrations emanating from the inner ears, and a sense of being filled with a divine light. Other reported psychological symptoms are feelings of depression and in some cases schizophrenialike episodes.
Kundalini Syndrome
Similar to kundalini rising, kundalini syndrome is the experience of great bursts of energy throughout the body and feelings of despair, anger and mood swings. According to Crystalinks.com, kundalini syndrome can last for months and sometimes years. It is believed to be the result of years of past traumas being suddenly unleashed into the consciousness all at once.
AnmolMehta.com suggests that the best way to avoid the development of kundalini rising is through the careful practice of kundalini yoga. Instead of focusing solely on energizing the chakras (the seven major points of energy along the spine), you should instead focus on energizing the whole body.
Although kundalini rising and kundalini syndrome can be frightening and overwhelming, ultimately they are experiences that can be managed and sometimes avoided. Kundalini yoga should be practiced with a sense of gratitude and humility, so that the energy you call forth does not overwhelm you.