Benefits of Alternate Nostril Breathing
The body's nasal cycle is linked to brain function: when one nostril is obstructed, brain activity decreases on the side of the brain opposite it. The purpose of alternate nostril breathing is promote health and balance by oxygenating both sides of the brain equally, so creative and logical thinking are both at their prime.
Alternate nostril breathing is exactly what it sounds like: breathing through one nostril at a time and alternating between sides. The practice starts when you use the thumb on your right hand to close your right nostril. Then inhale slowly and deeply through your left nostril (aim for a count of four). Next use the pinky and ring finger on your right hand to close your left nostril, while releasing your right nostril. Exhale slowly through your right nostril (aim for a count of eight). Now, inhale through your right nostril (to a count of four) and then alternate again by releasing your left nostril and using your right thumb to close the right nostril once again. Exhale (count to eight). That completes one full round of alternate nostril breathing.
Alternate nostril breathing is believe to increase energy, sharpen thinking, improve brain function, reduce stress, enhance relaxation, improve sleep quality, clear energy channels, improve overall well-being, decrease or lessen disease and illness, make for more effective breathing and clearer lungs and create general feelings of revitalization and inner harmony.
Breathing should never be forced through a blocked nostril so don't practice alternate nostril breathing if you have a cold, allergies or anything else that makes breathing through your nose difficult. Also, be careful not to hold your breath if you have high blood pressure.
Although the point is to breathe through both nostrils evenly for balance and to be healthy, alternate nostril breathing can be used to target specific needs. Breathing through the right nostril will promote sharper thinking and more energy, while breathing through the left nostril will calm you and increase creativity.