Breathing to Lose Weight
A sensible diet, regular exercise and effective stress management are also important factors to help you lose weight permanently. No amount of pranayama, or breath control, will overcome the effects of a poor diet.
What Is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is holistic system that addresses health concerns by using diet, herbs, supplements, cooking methods and other lifestyle changes. Deepak Chopra and Vasant Lad are two well-known Ayurveda authors who have published easy-to-understand books on Ayurveda.
While a Western mainstream physician might prescribe a diet pill to an obese patient, an Ayurveda doctor might examine the patient's eating, sleeping and work habits to determine a better routine. An integrated Western physician could integrate both philosophies: using the model of pathology to diagnose illness and including nutrition and breath work as the treatment for obesity.
Ujjayi Breathing
Ujjayi means "victorious" breath and is a heating, detoxifying breath. Often done while practice yoga postures, this kind of breathing sounds like a poor imitation of Darth Vader of Star Wars fame. It can help you lose weight as it builds heat and raises body temperature and sweating.
Try it by inhaling through the nose and exhaling with a long "ha" sound. Repeat a second time with the mouth closed and narrowing the back of the throat. You hear a soft rushing sound with ujjayi breathing like a seashell held near your ear. Each morning before breakfast, do five to ten rounds of ujjayi breathing. Gradually build up to 50 rounds. Do not strain, and stop if you get dizzy.
Kalabati: "Breath of Fire"
Boost your metabolism over time by practicing kalabati or "breath of fire." Doing so will help increase agni fire, what Ayurveda associates with metabolism.
If you have hypertension, glaucoma are on a menstrual cycle or pregnant, do not do kalabhati. It is not appropriate for these conditions.
Practice kalabati by sitting in a chair and inhaling through the nose and out the nose for five rounds to calm the central nervous system. Next, move to heating kalabati by inhaling through the nose and keeping your mouth closed, exhale through the nose in short bursts. You will feel your exhalations through both nostrils. Continue until you are complete with one round, when you are out of breath. Inhale, and do four more rounds. Start with five rounds a day before breakfast, and work up to 30 rounds gradually.