Pranayama to Boost Metabolism
About Pranayama
The traditional purpose of pranayama is to relax and strengthen the mind and body in preparation for meditation. It is used to increase the life force, or prana, in the body for physical and spiritual means. The concept of pranayama reinforces the importance of expanding vitality through the most basic necessity of life, the breath.
Study on Pranayama and Metabolism
In a study conducted by Svyasa University entitled "Breathing Through a Particular Nostril Can Alter Metabolism and Autonomic Activities," three types of pranayamic breathing techniques were studied to determine if performing any of them for a month would cause changes in baseline metabolic and autonomic activities.
Significant weight loss did occur in all three pranayama groups; however, because the participants also began a vegetarian diet during the study as well as performed physical activity, it cannot be determined that pranayama was the main contributing factor to their success.
However, what researchers did find is that through practicing right nostril breathing, also called Surya Anuloma Viloma pranayama, metabolism function is increased. This biological change occurs due to the increase of adrenaline that is produced through pranayamic breathing. Conclusively, the study explains that performing several rounds of this breathing technique could be used by overweight individuals to increase metabolism function.
Yoga and Pranayama for Metabolism
Timothy Burgin, Kripalu yoga instructor and founder of Acu-Yoga therapy, says that through combining pranayamic breathing, meditations and yoga postures, metabolism and hormone levels as well as emotions can be brought into proper balance.
Burgin suggests kapalabhati pranayama (breath of fire) and ujjayi pranayama (ocean sounding breath) as effective forms of metabolism-boosting methods. He suggests that while practicing these forms of conscious breathing, you also practice quick-moving sun salutations (vinyasa) between each yogic posture. Specific yogic poses that he recommends for increasing the metabolism include the warrior pose and those that require lunging movements.
Other Positive Effects of Pranayama
Pranayama revitalizes the body and mind by increasing the oxygen supply to the brain, organs and tissues of the body. Helping to calm and focus the mind, pranayama may be especially beneficial to those who are under stress or dealing with anxiety issues.
Pranayama Technique
To perform Anuloma Viloma pranayama, begin by getting into lotus posture or simply get into a seated position. Begin by breathing in through the left nostril, while keeping the right nostril closed with your thumb. Try to fill your lungs completely with air so that the bottom, middle and upper chambers are saturated with oxygen.
Next, hold your breath for 2 to 3 seconds while closing both nostrils. Open the right nostril, breathe out and breathe in. Close both nostrils again and hold for 2 to 3 seconds. Open the left nostril and breathe out. This completes one full round of Anuloma Viloma pranayama.