Proper Breathing for Relaxation
It would be perfect for you to awake yourself slightly earlier than usual by about 20 to 30 minutes, a few mornings a week. This is because the mind will be positively effected and charged once you have performed your breathing exercises or meditations, and your entire day will be positively enhanced. Choose an area of your home or garden which you enjoy spending time in to relax and can be left within a state of relaxation without being disturbed. Make the area you have chosen clear and clean, making sure the aroma which surrounds you is one which will help you to relax. Light some incense or a scented oil burner for the perfect relaxing aroma for you.
Choose a comfortable light colored blanket or towel for you to lay down upon. Place your chosen blanket onto the floor and lay down on your back with both your arms and legs straighten below and beside your body. With your arms by your side, ensure your palms are facing upwards and relax into this position. The entire process can take as long as you wish it to, but 10 minutes of the relaxation breathing technique should be accomplished for lasting results of your new clearer and relaxed mind.
First Breathing Steps
Once you are physically relaxed and ready to begin, start with breathing naturally in a relaxing way. Notice how you breath. Do you naturally breath fast or shallow or do you naturally breath deeply? How you naturally breath can shows signs of physical stress and stress of the mind. The shallower, less deeper breather is naturally not receiving as much oxygen into their body as a naturally deeper breathing person. Not receiving enough oxygen can slow down the bodies levels of circulation and will effect the body in physical ways as well as emotional ways.
Breathing Steps
Once you have noticed your natural breathing pattern, shut your eyes and relax whilst you begin to breath deeper. As you breath in your abdominal muscles should expand, raising your stomach area upwards as your lungs fill with air. If you find this difficult do to illness or smoking for a period of time in your life, don't worry as you continue to perform your deep breathing exercise, your breathing technique will become stronger. Continue to breath in until you are unable to inhale further and hold for 2 seconds, then slowly release all that you have breathed in. Repeat this process for at least 10 minutes.
During Effects
Being able to perform the breathing technique whilst your mind remains clear of all thoughts is the ultimate aim. Beginners may find it hard to hold a clear mind if relaxation has not been part of their recent life but this is only natural. As you focus on the now during your breathing exercise, your mind will realize that the now is you lying down and deep breathing. The deep breathing will also help your mind become clear as you concentrate on your breathing pattern. You may experience a dizziness within the first few minutes, but it will not last more than a few moments. This is a sign that you are breathing deeper. You will notice after your second session a difference within your decision making and thought process and a new calmer you. Each time you perform this relaxation breathing exercise you will notice your own personal benefits.