How to Breathe Normally
Things You'll Need
- Private space Pillow
Lie down or sit in a comfortable position with a pillow for comfort, where you won't be disturbed. Focus on breathing into the diaphragm, the area at the bottom of your rib cage. Put your hands just below your rib cage on either side and feel your stomach expand with the inhale and deflate with the exhale.
Breathe deeply at a very slow pace, your stomach expanding with each breath. Count to five, raising or reducing the number of counts to suit your comfort level.
Hold your breath for two to three counts, increasing the number as you get more comfortable and your lungs get stronger. Allow the oxygen to circulate for a moment.
Breathe out to the count of five, feeling the stomach deflate with the exhalation, increasing the number of counts to suit your comfort level. Hold the breath out for two to three counts, increasing the number as you feel comfortable. The exhale releases toxins from within the body for a cleansing effect.
Repeat this breath cycle at your own pace for as long as you are comfortable. Practicing every day will train your body to breathe more deeply and from the diaphragm, not the upper chest.