How to Meditate and Visualize
Things You'll Need
- Quiet Place to Meditate
Find a calm quiet place where you normally practice meditation at. Sit cross legged or in a chair. Start out by slowly breathing in and out with your nose. Visualize white light and love going into your body as you inhale. Picture that God's love and energy is saturating every cell in your body.
Exhale and picture every thing that is negative leaving your body forever. Breath out every worry, doubt, and disappointment. Picture the negativity as a thick black cloud. Cleanse your body from its emotional pollution by using this simple technique.
Close the root lock as you breath out. The root lock is the space between the pubic bone and tail bone. Contract this area as you exhale. Picture energy and white light traveling up your spine and out from the top of your head or crown chakra. Closing the root lock allows energy to stay in your body much longer than if it were open.
Focus your attention on the third eye. The third eye can be located in the center of your forehead a few inches above your eyebrows. Concentrate on this area and you should feel a tingling sensation. This signals that it is being activated. Increase psychic awareness and intuition by exercising the third eye.
Visualize your breath as a circle. Inhale and picture your breath forming half of a circle. Exhale and picture your breath completing the circle. Focus on the points of the circle in between each breath. No thoughts can occur during these points because there is no oxygen. Be aware of these points and your meditation practices will improve tremendously.