How to Calm Down Quickly
Find a quiet place if possible. Sit down either on a chair or on the floor--the important thing is to keep your back straight.
Keep your eyes lowered or closed. Also keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth, just touching the back of your upper teeth.
Inhale slowly to the count of 4. Keep your mouth closed and inhale only through the nose. Feel your lungs expand with oxygen, and keep the count steady throughout this exercise.
Hold your breath to the count of 7. This may be difficult at first, but you don't have to count slowly--count as fast or as slow as you can. With time, your counts will slow down naturally.
Exhale to the count of 8. Form an "O" shape with your lips, and audibly exhale with a quiet whooshing sound. Repeat the entire cycle (Steps 1 through 5) four times. The total time will vary, but usually will be under 5 minutes.