How to Perform Relaxed Breathing Exercises
How to Perform Relaxed Breathing Exercises
Lie down on the floor. Put a pillow under your head and one under your knees. Place one hand to your side and the other on your stomach.
Breath in slowly through your nose, pulling in the air as you count silently to six. You should feel your stomach rise up slightly.
Hold in your breath while you count to four. As you do this, focus on the sensation of having your lungs filled with air.
Slowly release your breath through your mouth, counting to six while you breathe out. Feel your stomach slowly ease downward as you exhale.
Count silently to four. Then repeat the process, starting with step 1. Repeat this exercise four times. Stand up slowly.
Let your arms rest at your sides. Breathe in slowly through your nose and hold for four seconds. Slowly exhale through your mouth.
With elbows slightly bent, hold your hands in front of your stomach with your palms facing your body, but not touching it.
As you breathe in slowly through your nose, raise your hands upward. Your hands should follow the path of your body from your navel to just up over your head. When your lungs are filled, your hands will be over your head. Separate them slightly.
As you slowly exhale through your mouth, lower your hands back down along the path of your body, finally letting them fall back to your sides.
Repeat this exercise four times, starting with step 7. Once you’ve completed four cycles, repeat the exercise once more, but leave your arms in a relaxed state at your sides.
Performing these two sets of relaxed breathing exercises twice a day will relax your muscles.